our donors

you make this possible

As the national organization leading a network of regional Outward Bound Schools from Maine to the Pacific Northwest, your support of Outward Bound USA provides the means to ensure we deliver the highest quality learning experience for every student, every time. Outward Bound USA maintains the framework and structure to continuously improve the challenging learning experiences provided by our regional Schools. Your support helps us build relevant and meaningful training and development opportunities for Outward Bound’s highly skilled field Instructors. We are a stronger organization because of your investments that inspire young people to be resilient, confident and ready to serve their communities.

Thank you for making a difference.

Thank you to our 2021 individual donors


Aetna Foundation, Inc.

Alan Huessy

Alan Kreczko

Alan Tindell

Alex Vosicky

Alexander Family Foundation, Inc.

Alexander Goldfarb

Alexander Mackay

Allan L. Falk

Amanda Christianson

Amber Pellerin

Amy C. Arnott

Amy Grossman

Amy L. Wicks

Andre Stadnyk

Andrew Antonioli

Andrew Ashforth
Andrew Chapman

Andrew Morse

Andrew Topper

Andrew Udis

Andrew Valentine

Anne Hector

Anne Wheeler

Annie Osolinsk

Thank You to Our 108 Anonymous

Anthony Pasqua

Anthony Strauss

Ari Fuad

Arpie Chucovich

Asynith Palmer

Atwater Kent Foundation, Inc.

Azurite Consulting


B. Stockton Clark

Barbara Dunn

Barbara Granquist

Barbara L. Doran

Barbara S. Moran


Barney Marvin

Bartle Bogle Hegarty

Bass Pro Shops/Cabela's

Ben Farrell

Ben Risk

Benjamin S. Jaffray

Beth McBride

Bradley R. Thayer

Brandon & Wendy Johnson Family Foundation

Brennan Noall

Brett Grossman

Britney Teeple

Bruce Phillips

Bruce T. Grover

Bryan Powell

Bryce W. Furness


Cameron Shilling

Capital One Services

Carla Berryann

Carol Russell

Caroline Blair-Smith

Catherine Cecere

Catherine H. Smith/Catherine H. Smith and Peter B. Maxson Charitable Fund

Catherine Newsom

Cathy Solomon

Cecilia Gerard

Charles Esgro Jr.

Charles J. Stone Jr.

Cheryl Katz and Mark Baldassare

Cheryl Nelson Roediger

Chris Akkerman

Chris Bruch

Christine McEnery

Christine Misback

Christopher M. Harte

Clay and Margaret Fowler

Conoco Phillips

Conrad Mulcahy

Courtney Moore

Craig R. Stine


D. Steven Degenfelder

Dan DeCoster

Daniel and Ashley Fisher Family Foundation

Daniel E. Bockstedt

Daniel Griffith

Daniela Michelon

Darcey Moran

Darlene D. Koob

Darren Richman

David Adlerstein

David Andrews

David Baber

David Kubichek

David L. Conant

David Lu

David M. Dewan

David Mann

David Milberg

David Reilly

David Roberts

David Slade

David Taylor

Deanne Jurkovich

Deborah Price

Debra and Alan Ledet

Deloitte Consulting

Delta Dental of California

Denise Schlener

Devon Dikeou

DH Pace Door Services

Diane Brugnoli

Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust

Donald Denardo

Dorothy D. Smith Charitable Foundation

Douglas and Maria Bayer Foundation

Douglas Andrews

Douglas Rucker

Douglas Taylor

Douglas Wiseman

Dr. Squatch Inc.


Edward Rose

Edward W Shanahan

Eileen O. Adams

Eileen Walsh

Elizabeth Ann Orr

Elizabeth Militello

Elizabeth Munro

Elizabeth Wilson

Ellen Harris

Ellen Howrigan

Emily Rabbitt

Erick Dochoff

Ernest Alfred Lister Jr.


Fiona Bibzak

Florida Pure Sea Salt

Frances C. Ashley

Frances S. Klingenstein

Frances Turner Mock Esq.

Frank Wilkosz

Frederic Wayne Stein


G. Andrew Cox

Geoff Stevens

Geoffrey and Virginia Worden

George C. Casey

George E. McCown

George Frenzel

Gerry H. Hodes

Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP

Glendon Laird

Global Atlantic Financial Group

Graham Bergh

Gregory N. Smith

GTB Agency, LLC as agent for Ford Motor Company

Guy Vig


Hailey Broderick

Henry and Edith McHenry

Henry and Leigh Lowe

Henry P. Morse

Holly Morphew

Hugh Blair-Smith

Humes Family


J.W. Gibson II

James Anthony

James Davies

James Heger

James Rea Garrett

James W. Down

James Williams

Jamie and Meg McLane

Jane Savage

Janelle Gale

Janet Burhoe-Jones

Janice Brockley

Jarold W. Boettcher

Jean Linart

Jeanine Walsh

Jeff Mills

Jeffrey L. Fraser

Jennifer Cohen

Jennifer L. Nash

Jennifer Meyer

Jeremy Fox

Jessica Notebaert

Jim Bronson

Jim Tabner

Jim's Concrete of Brevard, Inc.

Joaquin Rivamonte

Jody Bates Bliss

Joel Perelmuth

John and Theresa Bullen

John C. Read

John Clark

John Dieter

John Fallisgaard

John Frisbee

John Pasmore

John Reinsma

Jon Frank

Jonathan Painter

Jordan Brehove

Jordan Vogel

Joseph Bayer

Joseph J. Allotta

Josh Brankman

Joshua L. Miner IV

Joshua T.

Joshua Wheeler

Joya Banerjee

Judi Cox

Julia Ter Beest


K. Erik Sorensen

Kari Murphy

Karl D. Paulsen

Kate de Mul

Kathleen Pataki

Kathryn Fauss

Kathy & Rick Walton Charitable Foundation

Katie M. Dalbey

Kay Rice and John Falconer

Kaye Nofziger

Keith M. Fleischman

Kellee G. Livingston

Ken Larson

Kenneth A. Mathas

Kenneth C. Gillmore

Kenneth Selking

Kenny Young

Kerry Tyson

Kim and Davis Walters

Kohler Co.

Kyle Washington


Lach Zemp

Laura Cona

Laura Kohler

Laura Kohler and Stephen Proudman

Laura Lee

Laura Zaner

Lauren E. Schmidt

Lauren Scott

Laurie H. Greeno

Lawrence Floyd

Lee and Peg Skold

Lee Winter

Leen Foundation

Leif C. BeckLester R. Mayer III

Lewis R. Glenn

Linda Dickerson

Linda Vance

Lisa Doran

Lisa Isaacson

Lisa Joffe

Liz Louis

LLB Corporation

Lorraine Shickora

Lou Frketic

Louisa Hassenfelt

LTC M. Shipman, US Army, Retired

Luke Giroux

Lynn Utter

Lynne Niemeyer


Maggie Lytton

Margaret Kaplen/The Kaplen Foundation

Margaret Karp

Margaret Logan

Margaret McCarvill

Margaret O. Moore

Marian P. Pawlick/Mason Foundation

Mark Abramowitz

Mark Bush

Mark Gibson

Mark Hroncich

Mark Kelemen

Mark L. Lacambra

Mark Smith

Mark T Phillis

Marsha Arredondo

Marsha Fickenscher

Martha and Mike Degrandchamp

Martha Marquez Villafana

Matthew Dickinson

Maydelis Torres

Meg Wise

Melissa Zimmerman

Melody JohnsonMGN Family Foundation

Micah Eisenmann

Michael Abel

Michael C. Stanley

Michael Dobler

Michael K. Gray

Michael Martin

Michael NashMichelle Dunkley

Michelle Pries

Mightycause Charitable Foundation

Moreen Rogan McGurk


Nancy Dolge

Nancy Munoz

Nathan Field

Nathan Taylor

Nathaniel and Elizabeth P. Stevens Foundation

Nealy Zimmerman

Nettie Pardue

New York Life Foundation

New York Life Insurance Company

Nicole McDaniel


Oliver Dain

Ondrish & Associates, PC


Pamela Mackowski

Parris Balazs


Patricia A. Townsend

Patrick Sheehy

Paul Geletko

Paul Remtema

Penny A. Jeffers

Penny Weatherly

Perry Dembner

Peter B. Kent

Peter S. Coward

Peter T. Baum

Phyll Thackery


Quaker Hill Foundation


R. Bruce Rich

Rachel Rusonis

Ralph E. Spitzen

Rama Davis

RBCRBC Foundation

Renee Russell

Richard Hale

Richard J. Doren

Richard Stopol

Robert A. Weibler

Robert B. Avery

Robert C. Chatfield

Robert Cicchino

Robert Delman

Robert Heinrich

Robert Levins

Robert M. Von Borstel

Robert Sawicki

Roderick Starkie

Roger J. Ring

Rohan A. Freeman/Freeman Companies, LLC

Rohan Oberoi

Ronald Abo

Ronald Weston

Rory Berke

Rufus Dalton

Ryan Downing

Ryan Kirk


Sally Miller

Sandra Hunter

Sandra P. Ciolino

Sarah Lee Overcash

Sarah Medley

Sarah Warbuck

Scott and Mary Currie

Scott T. Hazelrigg

Sean DiBlasi

Shanti Morell-Hart

Shari Kothenbeutel

Sharon Johnson

Shelley Zalewski

Shirelle Noble

Stanley G. Greenstein

Stephanie Maxson Kenyon

Stephen C. Foster

Stephen C. Hassenfelt/The Lookout Foundation

Stephen J. Wood

Steve Center

Stewart Babbott

Stockton Baker

SueAnne Snell

Susan and Guy Shoemaker

Susan Biancani

Susan Collins

Susan Cutler

Susan Gingrich

Susan Morgensztern

Susan Nash

Susan Oppenheimer

Suzanne Seubert


Union Specialties, Inc.

United Way California Capital Region


Valerie Plummer

Veterans United Foundation


Tanya Culver

Taylor Clasen

Ted Mathas

The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation

The Associated

The Inlandsis Fund

The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation

The Kessler Group

The Orange Tree Foundation

The Sealark Foundation, Inc.

The Toby & Nataly Ritter Family Foundation

Theodore L. Sullivan

Thiel Butner

Thomas and Patricia Hill

Thomas Fahey III

Thomas Sabel

Thomas Taylor

Tim Stevens

TJ Farmer

Todd and Jackie Krone

Todd Cate

Truman Dunn

Trusteee for FEDCTTL Automotive Enterprises, Inc.


Will Harte

Will Wauters

William B. Riordan

William C. Whitbeck

William E. King

William G. Polk

William Gillett McKendree

William J. Casazza/William J. Casazza Family Foundation

William M. Sutton

William S. Kimball

William S. Sutton

Win Callender

tribute donations 2021


In memory of Alex Crowe
Alex Vosicky

In memory of Alex Goren
Lee Winter

In memory ofAlexandra Lindheimer


In memory of Ben Castleberry

In memory of Ben Castleberry

In memory of Benjamin Castleberry
Pamela Mackowski

In honor of Bettie Bedell
Lewis R. Glenn

In memory of Bob Brockley
Janice Brockley

In honor of Bob Dawes, Bob O'Rourke, Jonathan McMaster, Phil Butler, Jim Looram

Conrad Mulcahy

In memory of Bob Whitelaw
Scott and Mary Currie

In memory of Bob Whitelaw
Thomas and Patricia Hill

In honor of Brad Thayer
David Adlerstein

In honor of Brent Weatherly
Penny Weatherly

In honor of Brynn Arredondo and Zach Arredondo
Marsha Arredondo


In honor of Caroline Blair-Smith
Hugh Blair-Smith

In memory of Casey Matzke
SueAnne Snell

In honor of Catey Pease


In honor of Dan and Adam Berger

In memory of Daniel J. Lovell
Douglas Andrews

In honor of David Broida

In memory of David O. Beim
Linda Vance

In honor of Dick Frisch
Henry and Leigh Lowe

In honor of DJ Blais

In memory of Doug Severin
Michael Dobler

In memory of Dr. Fred Bramble
Kaye Nofziger


In memory of Eileen Caslow

In memory of Eric Ross
David Milberg

In honor of Erica E. Bauer USN

In memory of Erik Kolb and Claudia Ruland


In honor of Farlin Black
David Slade

In memory of Francis S King
Truman Dunn

In memory of Fred Bramble
Judi Cox

In memory of Fred Bramble
Darcey Moran

In memory of Fred Bramble
Kathleen Pataki


In honor of Gary Templin
Lewis R. Glenn

In memory of Gloria Briggs


In memory of Herbert C. (Woody) Woodward
Sally Miller


In memory of Jac Chambliss
Mark L. Lacambra

In memory of James Doyle Price
Deborah Price

In memory of James Paul Moran
Barbara S. Moran

In memory of Janette Heung
Joya Banerjee

In memory of Janette Heung
Cecilia Gerard

In memory of Jeremy Walters
Kim and Davis Walters

In honor of Jim Harnden

In honor ofJoel Perelmuth
Joel Perelmuth

In honor ofJohn Wicks
Amy L. Wicks

In honor of Jon Mark Howard
Lewis R. Glenn

In memory of Jonathan Fairbanks
Carol Russell

In honor of Jordan David Small
Andrew Topper

In memory ofJoseph and John Esgro
Charles Esgro Jr.

In memory of Justin Calvin Sutton
Kari Murphy

In honor of Justin Sanchez


In honor of Kathryn & Brady
Emily Rabbitt

In memory of Kathryn Marie Remtema

In memory of Kathryn Remtema
Paul Remtema

In memory of Kathryn Remtema
Paul Remtema

In memory of Kathryn Remtema
Barbara Granquist

In memory of Kathryn Remtema
Stephen J. Wood

In memory of Kathryn Remtema
Darlene D. Koob

In memory of Kathryn Remtema
Shari Kothenbeutel

In memory of Kathryn Remtema
Cheryl Nelson Roediger

In memory of Kathy Remtema

In memory of Kathy Remtema
Guy Vig

In memory of Kathy Remtema
Sarah Warbuck

In memory of Kathy Remtema
Allan L. Falk

In memory of Kathy Remtema
Roger J. Ring

In honor of Kathy Runde

In honor of Katie Dunn
Barbara Dunn

In honor of Ken and Janny Olivier
Janet Burhoe-Jones

In memory of Kirk Williams
Chris Akkerman

In memory of Kyle Shinske
Nathan Taylor


In honor of Laura Kohler
Kathleen Poplar

In memory of Lauren Noall
Brennan Noall

In honor of Laurie Greeno
Judy Sandler

In memory of Lee Klingenstein
Frances S. Klingenstein

In memory of Luke C. Johnson
Jim's Concrete of Brevard, Inc.

In memory of Luke Johnson
Anne Wheeler

In memory of Lukev Johnson

in memory of Luke Charles Johnson
Melody Johnson

In memory of Luke Johnson

In memory of Luke Johnson
Paul Geletko


In memory of Megan Macomber

In memory of Michael Culver
Robert Levins

In memory of Mr. Fred Bramble
Shirelle Noble


In memory of Owen Churchill Roberts
Margaret Karp


In honor of Patricia Bunch
Lewis R. Glenn


In memory of R Jonathan Fairbanks
Laura Lee

in memory of R. Jonathan Fairbanks
Marsha Fickenscher

in memory of R. Jonathon Fairbanks
Nancy Dolge

In honor of Rikard Grunnan

In memory of Robert L. Whitelaw

In memory of Robert Whitelaw

In memory ofRobert Whitelaw

In memory of Robert Whitelaw

in memory of Robert Whitelaw

In memory of Robert Whitelaw

In memory of Robert Whitelaw

In memory of Robert Whitelaw

In memory of Robert Whitelaw
Geoff Stevens

In memory of Robert Whitelaw
James Anthony

In memory of Robert Whitelaw
Linda Dickerson

In memory of Robert Whitelaw
Todd and Jackie Krone

In memory of Robert Whitelaw
Todd Cate

in memory of Robert Whitelaw
Jean Linart

In honor of Rocco Pellerin
Amber Pellerin

In honor of Ruby Zaks


In honor of Sam Cutler
Susan Cutler

In memory of Scott Dansker
Renee Russell

In memory of SFC Johnny A. Shipman, U. S. Army, Retired
LTC M. Shipman, US Army, Retired

In honor of Suzie Bell


In honor of Taylor Clasen
Taylor Clasen

In memory of Teresa Marquez
Martha Marquez Villafana

In honor of Theodore Seamon
Susan Morgensztern

In memory of Thomas J Vessels

in memory of Thomas J. Vessels
Devon Dikeou

In memory of Thomas J. Vessels
The Abo Group

In memory of Thomas J. Vessels
The Inlandsis Fund

In memory of Thomas J. Vessels
Deanne Jurkovich

In memory of Thomas John Vessels

in memory of Thomas John Vessels

in memory of Thomas John Vessels

In memory of Thomas John Vessels
Eileen Walsh

In memory of Thomas John Vessels
Jordan Vogel

In memory of Thomas John Vessels
Elizabeth Ann Orr

In memory of Thomas John Vessels
Shanti Morell-Hart

in memory of Thomas Vessels

In memory of Thomas Vessels

In memory of Thomas Vessels

In memory of Thomas Vessels
Stockton Baker

In memory of Thomas Vessels
Annie Osolinski

In memory of Tim Dougherty
Kenny Young

In memory of Timothy P. Dougherty

In memory of Timothy P. Dougherty

in memory of Timothy P. Dougherty
Lorraine Shickora

In memory of Timothy P. Dougherty
Margaret McCarvill

In memory of Timothy P. Dougherty
Diane Brugnoli

In memory of Tom Vessels
Amy Grossman

In memory of Tom Vessels

In memory of Tom Vessels

In memory of TOM VESSELS

In memory of Tom Vessels

In memory of Tom Vessels

In memory of Tom Vessels

In honor of Tom Vessels

In memory of Tom Vessels

in memory of Tom Vessels
Arpie Chucovich

In memory of Tom Vessels
Beth McBride

In memory of Tom Vessels
Kay Rice and John Falconer

in memory ofmTom Vessels
LLB Corporation

in memory of Tom Vessels
Lynne Niemeyer

in memory of Tom Vessels
Ondrish & Associates, PC

in memory of Tom Vessels
G. Andrew Cox

in memory of Tom Vessels
D. Steven Degenfelder

In memory of Tom Vessels
David Mann

In memory of Tom vessels
Steve Center

In honor of Tyler Fong


In honor of Weetie Manzi and Clay Kennedy

In honor of Whitney Montgomery
Henry and Edith McHenry

In memory of William Crow

The data represented is from the Outward Bound Outcomes Survey.  Permission to use the Outward Bound Outcomes Survey (OBOS) was obtained from PEAR.